GEM Registration

Connect with us to register your business on GeM portal and elevate your business growth. Listing your product with Expert Advice, Dedicated Support Team. Gem Portal Registration. Rich Listing of Services. Great Transparency. Dedicated Support Team
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ABOUT GEM E-Marketpalce : Hon’ble Prime Minister, based on recommendations of the Group of Secretaries, decided to set up a dedicated e market for different goods & services procured by Government Organisations / Departments / PSUs. This meant transforming DGS&D to a digital ecommerce portal for procurement and selling of goods and services.
GEM VISION AND MISSION : Vision To affect an evolution in public procurement promoting a transparent, efficient and inclusive marketplace. Mission Institute a unified procurement policy to encourage behavorial change and drive reform. Establish a lean, dynamic organization capable of continuous innovation and market driven decision making. Build an easy to use, fully automated
What Is Government E Marketplace (Gem)? : Government E-Marketplace is a platform to facilitate and enable easy online procurement of goods and services required by several government departments, associations, and public sector undertakings in India. The sole purpose of this portal is to enhance transparency, efficiency, and speed in public procurement.
How To Register On Gem Portal? Let’s Register Now? : There are two types of registrations on gem portal Gem Seller Gem Buyer Who is Gem Buyer & Who is GeM Seller? A GeM buyer can be any government office of India who wants to buy something for their office. A Seller is a business owner who wants to sell their products or services on the gem portal.
Procedure To Obtain GEM Registration Online in just 2 Hours
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Registration Form For (GeM) Government E-Marketplace
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Advantages of Selling on the Government E-Marketplace : The Government of India is one of the biggest buyers of products and enterprises in India, spending lakhs of crores. Be that as it may, most SMEs and Startups in India have been not able to offer to the Government because of bulky methods and postponements in instalment. The Government E-Marketplace or GeM targets upsetting the present framework and presenting a spotless and proficient system for Government buys. Thus, it’s significant for all organizations to be enlisted on the Government E-Marketplace and make the Government a client. Coming up next are a portion of the extra advantages of being a vendor on the Government E-Marketplace:
Direct access to all Govt. departments.
One stop marketing place with minimal marketing efforts.
No need to watch for tenders of different govt. departments: Once you offer your product, Govt. Departments would themselves approach you.
Freedom from product registration: No need to run for product and model registration etc.
Products accepted against supplier’s guarantee / warranty and generally free from regular consignment inspection testing and evaluation procedures.
Freedom from fixed specifications: No need to customize to given specifications. Market your product with all features defined by you. Update and upgrade products as soon and as many times as you find it necessary.
Dynamic pricing – price can be changed based on market conditions – no fixed price for the whole year – no fear of fluctuation of raw material prices or exchange rate variations.
Dynamic product listing – no need to run for model up-gradation / changes. List your latest products and market them based on features and your competitive prices.
Get complete information of all Govt. requirements through Annual Procurement Plans.
Timely payment guaranteed.
Consistent and uniform purchase procedures and terms and conditions of contract